Revox B77 MK II high speed

Listen Radio Swiss Jazz

My audio equipment is Studer-Revox and Nagra Kudelski, all in mint condition. After a comprehensive maintenance including the replacement of electrolytic capacitors and a number of other critical electronic parts in 2017, I can continue to enjoy crystal clear sound of great sonic quality. It all began with buying a Revox B77 MKII High Speed tape recorder…

Studer A810 VU time code tape recorder

Revox B750 and B760

The Reel to Reel 2006 © database is a great tool if you are fond of audio tape recordings.

Reel to Reel 2006 © doesn't just structure your audio tape and record archive, it is also helpful in planning recording sessions. Since much information is pre-set in the User Settings form, filling data into forms requires very little typing effort. And most important: by its powerful search functions you will stay in control of “what’s on your tapes”.

Inside a Studer A810 tape recorder

Recording and sound reproduction of the Studer A810 isn't just good, it is very good. It's operation is not as perfect as the jaw-dropping performance of the A820, but it is a pleasure to work with.

Studer A810 control panel

The control network of the STUDER A810 was designed as a digital system from the beginning. This means that the recorder's operation is fully programmable - not only the tape transport functions but the audio parameters as well. The STUDER A810 is bus-compatible through a serial remote port. Digital remote audio set-up and automatic self testing are also standard features. With the accurate SMPTE time code system of the A810, no track need be sacrificed for synchronising.

The www of analog audio tape

The websites linked below provide information about audio tape recorders, magnetic tape storage, repair and restoration as well as general topics in audio technology. The link at the very top is a most useful source of information about Studer & Revox equipment and for download of dozens of operating & service manuals, brochures and diagrams for analog and digital audio equipment. These and many other websites in the Internet prove magnetic tape recording as a fine analog technology from the past that is kept alive by professionals and enthusiasts alike. Some of these websites meanwhile may be abandoned. It's a pity that the audio industry, except a few brave ones, does no longer support and develop this fascinating audio recording format, that is so different from other formats of today (who said superior?). The obvious fact that recording on analog tape won't undergo a renaissance one day makes it an exclusive recording format, applied on unique equipment.

Studer und Revox Download-Center
Unfortunately the Studer ftp-server for download of Studer manuals has disappeared. But wait, lucky Studer owners, try this one, you may be surprised

Recording-The-Masters. Audio Tapes, Cassettes, Music on Tapes
Magnetic tape production in France - analog is their DNA. Let's be hopeful the good old formulations of BASF will remain

Studer und Revox Infoportal
Excellent pages in German, if not the best and most comprehensive about Studer and Revox gear

The Analog Tape Recorder: An Introduction
The basics explained on ProSoundWeb

Analog vs. digital tape recording
Which sounds better, analog tape or 24-bit digital recording? A real world recording experiment

Richard L. Hess (Audio Tape Restoration).
Professional Tips & Notes passed on to those who got stuck in sticky audio tape

Magnetic Reference Laboratory.
The masters of Calibration Tapes (what is a "Calibration Tape"?) for analog audio tape

Tangible Technology
If you‘re looking for information in depth, go there

Revox Forum
Exchange ideas and opinions, get answers to your questions

Analog Rules
B.A.S.E. A great source of information and spare parts your recorder may need

Studer by Evertz - History at a glance
After the sale of Harman Kardon a new home for Studer professional equipment

Stefan Kudelski
The New York Times remembers Stefan Kudelski, the inventor of recorders that have changed Hollywood

Christophs Tonband-Seiten
A collector's website, with various information about reel reel

Reel to Reel
Pages dedicated to Revox, with information and links to audio related websites

Wikipedia Magnetic Tape
It's highly magnetic Wiki stuff !

A magnetic Reel to Reel article in Wikipedia

TMR Berlin.
For the german-speaking audiophiles..., many aspects concerning high fidelity

Those lucky ones who own Studer equipment can download below an outline of features of the Studer A810 tape recorder, summed up on a couple of pages in english and german language. Perhaps you'll find some useful information in it, before you pore on the hefty Studer manual with not less than 460 pages!

Studer A810 Tape Recorder - PDF English
Studer A810 Tape Recorder - PDF German

Studer A810 Degraded Operation & Error Codes - PDF English
Studer A810 Degraded Operation & Error Codes - PDF German
