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Can't view the topics in the Reel to Reel 2006 © Help Center ?
You may experience the following symptom after you click the file "Reel to Reel 2006 Help.chm" that you have downloaded:

Topics in the *.chm file cannot be viewed when you have saved the file, and you then try to open the file.

Changes introduced by security updates in Microsoft® Windows to reduce security vulnerabilities in HTML Help.
Therefore, files may be blocked when you click "open" in a file download dialog box.
Additionally, the attachment Manager may treat a downloaded .chm file as an untrusted file.
Therefore, you may not be able to open the file or view its content.

Before you try one of the two methods below, save a copy of the Reel to Reel 2006 Help.chm file on your local hard disk drive (or SSD)
instead on a network server and try to open it there. Opening this file from your computer may resolve the problem.
If this does not cure the problem, use one of the following methods:

Method 1
Double-click the .chm file.
In the Open File-Security Warning dialog, click to clear the "Always ask before opening this file" check box.
Click Open.

Method 2
Right-click the CHM file, and then click Properties.
Click Unblock.
Double-click the .chm file to open the file.

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