About Reel to Reel 2006
From the very beginning I got used to plan and keep records about every recording session. After I've recorded about ten or more tapes, it came that I have lost control of songs I had already recorded on tape while planning the arrangement of the next tapes. So I was aiming for a simple but effective solution to trace duplicate recordings: I have set up a simple table in a database software, which, by a primary key field, tracked down songs I had already on one of my tapes as soon as I have entered the song’s title. In this way I was able to control the songs I have recorded on tape and avoid duplicates. Well, since simple solutions never were good enough, ambition took control of my initial simple idea and I started to improve ...
View the Reel to Reel 2006 © basic database structure . . .

Read more about what made me do Reel to Reel 2006 © . . .

Database version
Reel to Reel 2006 © is a database initially developed by using the earlier 97 and 2003 versions of Microsoft ® Access in the mdb file format. By the time it has evolved I have converted the database to the Access 2007 accdb file format and have modified some macros and code in order to be compatible with this software version. Reel to Reel 2006 V2007.accdb is the most evolved and only available version, it runs with either the licensed Microsoft Access 2007™, Access 2010™, Access 2013™ and Access 2016™ software, or with the free Microsoft Access 2007 Runtime software. I could not test the database with Access Runtime versions after Access 2007 Runtime, but very likely it will also be compatible with these Runtime versions. Access 20xx Runtime is free Microsoft software, a stripped Access software, that you can download from the Microsoft website free of charge without a license. In Access Runtime you can use a database application such as Reel to Reel 2006, however, since all design features and the database object window is removed you can't develop or modify a database.
For using Reel to Reel 2006 © it is important that the database file version of Reel to Reel 2006 is compatible with the Microsoft Access software version installed on your computer, or, vice versa, that you install a Microsoft® Access software version on your computer which supports the .accdb file version of Reel to Reel 2006 ©. Earlier .mdb file versions of Reel to Reel 2006 © are no longer supported; the current and final version is "Reel to Reel 2006 V2007.accdb". For installation, questions about compatibility, conversion and modifications of Reel to Reel 2006 © you will find further information on the next pages Download and System Requirements, or in the detailed Reel to Reel 2006 Installation & Setup Guide. Please observe also the Warranty and Liability Disclaimer.
Continue to download the Reel to Reel 2006 © database on the next page, or take a short break to throw a glance at ...
The Nagra 4.2 tape recorder
The monaural Nagra 4.2 was launched first time in 1971. Listening to my first recording made with 19 cm/sec (7,5 ips) tape speed I was pleasantly surprised that its monaural sound doesn't mean monotony, quite to the contrary, it clearly means absolute authenticity and high fidelity. Very soon the excellent sonic quality of this recorder has resolved all my previous doubts about monophonic sound. Quite to the contrary, I love its highly resolved, detailed soundstage and the fat sonic pattern at low frequencies with a punchy bass.
The Nagra 4.2 shares the Tape 2 inputs/outputs of the Revox B750 with a Studer A710 cassette deck via a top-quality QUED 2-way Tape Switching Unit. More information about Stefan Kudelski and Nagra tape recorders you can find here . . .