Reel to Reel 2006 © is freeware. Download the Reel to Reel 2006 database file (accdb file) and the Reel to Reel 2006 Help file (chm file) to your computer and save both files in the same folder. Before using the Reel to Reel 2006 © database file for the first time with the licensed Microsoft ® Access™ software, you must make a few important settings in your Access™ software by using the Access Options dialog box. The complete guide for installation of Reel to Reel 2006 © and Microsoft ® Access settings you will find in the Reel to Reel 2006 © Help Center (.chm file) and in the Reel to Reel 2006 Installation & Setup Guide (PDF).
Reel to Reel 2006 © database download
Reel to Reel 2006 V2007.accdb
Reel to Reel 2006 V2007.accdb Trial Version
Reel to Reel 2006 © Help download
Reel to Reel Help Center.chm
Reel to Reel 2006 Installation & Setup Guide (PDF)
You may also want to download the above Trial Version of Reel to Reel 2006 ©, which contains some data. With this trial version you may acquaint yourself with Reel to Reel 2006 © before you start using your empty database, as you can immediately browse through forms of the database to find out its features and test the print services.
Two Options to run Reel to Reel 2006 © V2007
To run Reel to Reel 2006 © you must either have the licensed Access software installed, or you can download Access Runtime in the current version (in 2022 it is Runtime 2016) from the Microsoft website for free and install on your computer. Since Access Runtime can be freely re-distributed, other websites like "The Access Man" distribute also some older versions of Access Runtime, currently back to Access Runtime 2007.
Should you use the licensed Microsoft Access software make sure you have also the latest Service Pack (SP) installed on your computer.
Microsoft Office Access 20xx Runtime is free Microsoft software that does not require a license. Access 20xx Runtime enables application developers to distribute Access applications to users who do not have the full version of Access installed on their computers.
Important: Do not install Access 20xx Runtime as long as another licensed Microsoft Access software version is installed on your computer! Otherwise, serious software conflicts may occur.
There are a couple of minor issues related with Access Runtime, which set Runtime apart from the licensed Access software. Two major differences however are that Runtime has no User Interface, which therefore must be provided by the application (such one like Reel to Reel 2006 ©), and that handling of errors in the VBA code and macros gives the user no option to stop an action in case of an error. If for example the user erroneously writes a duplicate value in a primary key field (e.g. a Tape No, or a Cassette-ID), Access Runtime shuts down if such error is not trapped by the code of the application. Reel to Reel 2006 © was tested for any such situations that could make Runtime shut down. Currently known errors that can't be trapped and handled by the database are 1) when you would try to save a duplicate of an existing Cassette-ID, 2) when you would try to lock/unlock a new, still empty dataset (record archive, open reel archive and cassette archive), and 3) when you would copy incomplete song details (with any empty field) from the Record Archive to a dataset in the Open Reel Archive. In all such cases Access Runtime shuts down due to error.
Copyright of the Reel to Reel 2006 © database is reserved by Wolfgang Bleier, Austria - please read the terms and conditions stated in the Warranty and Liability Disclaimer ![]() |